Well, I'm toying with the idea of running C&C again. One of its saving graces is that it's a cleaned-up, "modernized" version of AD&D. I especially like how it simplifies the idea of weapon type vs. AC; a
bec de corbin, for instance, gains a +2 to hit chain and plate armors. This allows a minimum of fuss while retaining the flavor of specialized weaponry. However, while level limits were eliminated, there is no mechanic for multiclassing. Thus, these are house-rules I intend to use to close up that gap.
"Bob here has always wanted to be a Fighter/Rogue." |
There are no level limits, but there are class limits. Humans cannot multiclass; they, however, have the ability to choose any class and they are also the only race that gains three prime attributes. Since demi-humans only have two prime attributes, this is a big advantage and enhances the flexibility of the human race. In addition, since each class has its own mandated prime attribute, multiclass demi-humans are shoehorned into their prime choices.
Note that demi-humans can still play single-class characters. The question of some might have is "Why?" Well, they still have their unique racial abilities and they can also level faster than the multiclassed character (this is an advantage of humans as well).
Classic AD&D PHB illustration. |
And now, the list:
Dwarf: Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Assassin, Wizard
*, Cleric/Fighter, Fighter/Rogue
Elf: Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Knight, Bard , Rogue, Assassin, Wizard, Cleric/Ranger
**, Fighter/Rogue, Fighter/Wizard, Wizard/Rogue
Gnome***: Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Illusionist, Cleric/Illusionist, Cleric/Rogue, Illusionist/Rogue
Half-Elf****: Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Assassin, Knight, Paladin, Bard, Wizard, Cleric/Fighter, Cleric/Ranger, Cleric/Wizard, Druid/Ranger, Fighter/Rogue, Fighter/Wizard, Wizard/Rogue
Halfling: Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Cleric/Ranger
**, Fighter/Rogue
Half-Orc: Cleric, Fighter, Barbarian, Rogue, Assassin, Cleric/Fighter, Cleric/Assassin, Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Assassin
* Some might question the inclusion of Dwarvan wizards. However, in the Nordic and Germanic legends dwarves forge "magical" weapons. It can't all be attributed to the use of clerical magic. Note that there are no dwarvan Fighter/Wizards.
Odum Rumblebeard, Dwarf Wizard (Reaper). |
** Cleric/Ranger for both elves and halflings as (in my world anyway) as they both tend to follow Ehlonna, the Lady of the Forests. Some halflings follow the Dwarvan deities of Belredd of the Forge and Ulaa of the Earth while others follow the human Pelor of the Sun; these halfling clerics would be single-classed.
"Faster, faster, you fool, you fool!" |
*** Gnomes have some interesting choices. They tend to be fey and tricky and thus follow either Ulaa or Olidammara the Laughing Rogue. They are even smaller than halflings, and I have trouble envisioning them with a strong enough martial tradition to produce something along the lines of a Cleric/Fighter or a Fighter/Illusionist.
Gnome from a work of Jim Halloway |
**** Half-elves have some of the most varied choices. They have more multiclassed clerics than elves and can even follow the Druidic Old Faith of Obad-Hai, the Shalm (which I envision as more of a human religion).
Half-Elf Fighter/Wizard. Note the lack of armor. |
Experience points are split evenly between the two classes. The player receives the best attributes from each class and bases the appropriate saves and skills off of the appropriate class level. Each class receives half of its hit die per level; if there is a CON bonus (or penalty!) it is received with the faster (higher) level. For example, a level 4 Fighter/level 5 Rogue with E.P. of 16000/16000 and a CON of 16 would have a BtH of +4. Saves based on STR would add +4 (based off of the Fighter level) and DEX-based saves and Rogue skills would be at +5. Other saves and WIS-based Rogue skills would have a base of 18 and receive a +5 (since Rogue is the highest level). When the character hits 17001 E.P., he'll gain a D5 in HP; however, the +2 CON bonus for 5th level was received when he leveled up to 5th in Rogue and is not received again (nor is it halved--too much paperwork). For those who might say that it is unfair because his STR-based saves are only +4, note that he has the Fighter's better BtH of +4 (as opposed to the Rogue's +2). It's all a balancing game.
The use of armor is as follows. Multiclass wizards generally cannot wear armor when casting arcane spells. The exception to this is the elven Fighter/Wizards. Due to both their magical, fey nature
AND their martial training, they may wear armor and still cast as normal. Multiclass rogues and assassins (with the exception of rogue/wizards and rogue/illusionists) may wear any armor when performing rogue skills but suffer the penalties as outlined on pp. 14 and 16 of the
Elves. Anything you can do, they can do better. |
As far as weapons go, elf and half-elf knights quite frequently use long bows outside of siege warfare and tournaments with no stigma attached. Multiclass Wizards are proficient in all the allowed weapons of their additional class. However, when casting arcane spells, they may only have a staff, dagger, or wand/rod in hand. The rationale here is that staves and daggers are "tools" of magic working and are attuned to the wizard and can thus be used to "gesture." Likewise, multiclass clerics or druids may only have the favored weapon of their deity in hand when casting clerical spells. I need to go through and list up the Deities used in 'Toneeze Wurld' (HMA Gareeze Wurld # 162); many are Greyhawk deities but there are some classical ones as well (such as Odhinn and Thoth, for instance).
I think this works out nicely and emulates
AD&D with a minimum of fuss. I do not have the
C&C CKG, so there might be a similar (or superior) system therein. As stated previously, these are my house rules.